Random Thoughts of the Week: June 14th-20th

  • As promised, the tale of the Health Inspection meeting. First, the woman walks up and she’s rocking an eye patch. Now, of course that’s sad, but unfortunately my reaction was to say to all my coworkers, “now kids, if you don’t follow health code that’s what’s gonna happen to you.” Then, she starts talking to us and, my god, does that woman have an annoying voice. She couldn’t get her remote to work so she kept flipping through too many slides, and then would go back too many; it was just a constant back and forth for the entire hour and a half we were with her. At one point, she made a connection between gloves and condoms…It was a complete cluster fuck, to say the least.

What is Happening?!

  • Apparently one of my former coworkers has a dream of becoming a playboy bunny.

Whoa! Dream Big!

  • There’s a Chicago Blackhawks player with the last name Oduya, pronounced oh-do-ya. I mean, come on; he had to have gotten a lot of shit for that.

Franco Chuckle

  • At work, I had a guy ask if someone could help him at guest services and I told him they’d be there in a minute. After, not even, 15 seconds he turns to me and says, “is there anyone coming?!” right as my manager was walking towards him.

Fucking Asshole

  • My knuckles were scabbed and my mom asked, “we’re you playing a game, that bloody knuckles game?” What am I, 12? Come on Mom.

Confused Batman

  • I asked a kid how he was and he said, “tired, and I don’t feel well on my birthday.”

Bring It Down A Notch, No One Cares

  • A dad called my work and asked if we had found his daughter’s tooth.

Ugh. What?

  • The ladies competing for Miss USA were apparently all in their early 20’s, but I’ve carded a 30 year old who looked younger than them.

You Look Ridiculous

  • I made a girl I work with cry. Maybe she’s learned not to tell me how to do my job…considering she’s, like, 12 and worked there for 4 months, while I’m 22 and worked there for 4 years. Yeah, no thanks.

Nah Ah Ah

Random Thoughts of the Week: June 7th-13th

  • There’s seriously a dating website for people looking for farmers, ranchers, cowboy/girl, and animal lovers, it’s aptly named Farmers Only.

Double Confusion

  • Is anyone else sick of the fucking Waxvac infomercial? How are these people using the q-tips? Are they hulk smashing them into their eardrum? I guess it wouldn’t be an infomercial if it wasn’t extremely dramatic.

Q-tip Infomercial

  • I was checking IDs and a girl who had to come with her mom was leaving to get food so she asked if we’d remember her. We said we would and she said, “of course you will. How could you forget a face like this?” *giggle* *giggle*So when she comes back she asks, “do you remember me?” I told her I did because *cue an impersonation of her airhead personality*; as she was walking by she told her friends, “at least I’m rememberable.” 1) Rememberable? Really? 2) That’s not a good thing to be remembered for.

That's Not Working

  • Add to the list-of-skills-I-don’t-have: snake charming. The snake in my house was 6 inches long and the best I could do was throw a Tupperware container over it. Then!, when I tried to get him out of the house (by putting a piece of paper under the Tupperware to carry it all out) he kept getting his head out and then I’d just freak out and squash his neck for a while until I was ballsy enough to lift the container up a little and put it all the way over him again. Seriously, that routine happened at least 5 times. I got him out eventually though.

Too Legit To Quit

  • A lady was upset that she was being carded and used the excuse, “this is a free country, I don’t need to carry an ID!”

Amy Poehler Really?

  • I was looking for jobs and there was a posting for, I shit you not, a person to teach “writting.” You would think “oh just a simple typo”, but they had it written 3 times…all spelled writting. Would I be teaching the person who posted the job how to write or were they posting it on behalf of someone else?

McFly Confused

  • I wonder if Will Smith has ever listened to or walked in on his other children listening to Just the Two of Us, realized that everyone knows he has a favorite kid, and thought to himself:

I've Made a Huge Tiny Mistake

  • I had a quarter-life crisis yesterday and when I told my friend that, she laughed. Maybe she thought I was trying to be funny, or maybe she just thought the term quarter-life crisis was amusing…but I was seriously having a mental breakdown. For hours, this was literally what I looked like:



  • Using eye drops is seriously an art form, one that I have yet to master. The odds of me actually get it in my eye is probably 1 time out of 5.

It Isn't Fair


  • Stay tuned next week for the tale of the Health Inspector’s meeting we had to attend for work.

Kill Me

Random Thoughts of the Week: May 31st-June 6th

  • I went to see a movie and the guy behind me had his shoes off, and his feet on the top of the seat next to me.

I Just Threw Up In My Mouth a Little Bit

  • Even after all these years of brushing my own teeth I still haven’t mastered the art of not getting toothpaste all up in the cap. If you’re the kind of person who has, then you’re a sorcerer.


  • I had two women get in a cat fight at work this past weekend. One woman was upset because the woman in front of her didn’t know what she wanted and was holding up the line, and of course the woman waiting just had to say something. It went back and forth for about 5 minutes. Lady, why are you upset? Sure, it’s frustrating but you don’t need to be a bitch about it. She had at least two kids with her, so I’m sure she was already frustrated herself, she doesn’t need your fucking input about it. Trust me, we’re all thinking it, but nothing needs to be said.

Shut The Fuck Up

  • There’s always a big ass lizard chilling on my back porch when I get home. As long as him and his friends stay out of my house we’ll be friends forever.

I Shall Call Him Squishy

  • Let’s talk about how clothing companies make pants with pockets that are sewed shut. I bought a pair of work pants like that recently and couldn’t fathom the point of it. Why do I have to cut stitching out so I can use a pocket that’s there, but was sewed shut? Because that makes a shit ton of sense!


  • My first experience at a “country bar” was a shit show if I’ve ever seen one, and trust me I have. I put country bar in quotes because they played at least 1 hip hop for every 2 country songs they played. I witnessed a couple switch off giving each other lap dances, and old people trying to do the wobble.

Disgusted:Not Impressed

  • Don’t say, “you’re welcome” to me with the implication that I was supposed to be thankful for you doing something that you chose to do on your own. I didn’t ask you to do it and I didn’t tell you to do it, you chose to do it so get out of my face about it.

Keep That Mouth Shut

  • The fact that the last 20 seconds of a sports game can be dragged out into 20 minutes, is frustrating as hell. Can we just end it, please?

Come On

  • I cannot take tennis seriously with all of the grunting. I mean…I think it’s safe to say we all know what sex with any tennis player would sound like. For sure, Maria Sharipova’s neighbors probably hope she doesn’t ever have sex.

I'm Just Saying

Random Thoughts of the Week: May 24th-30th

  • Having to pee and a bumpy road…not a great combo.

Have To Pee

  • I hate, hate, when I’m grocery shopping with someone and the person who is paying (which is usually my mother) tells me to stay in line while they go grab something. No, where are you going? Don’t leave me here.

Don't Go

  • I guarantee everyone has at least one pair of socks that is no longer a pair. Where do they go? Because it’s not like I’m letting this asshole do my laundry.

Laundry Throw

  • A guy walked up to me and asked, “ma’am, do you work here?” What gives it away sir? My shirt with the company name on it or the fact that I’m sweeping? Nice guy, but stupid question.


  • A guy was buying his tickets out of the automated machine, and when his tickets didn’t drop down he flipped his shit. My manager told him that they sometimes just get stuck in the printer slot and his response was, “You know what would fix that? A shotgun.”

What The Fuck's Wrong With You

  • Do you ever just look around and think about how none of the things you see used to be there and how crazy that is? Or am I the only person fascinated by that kind of thing? The other day I was sitting at a red light and looking around at all the cars that had the new state license plates, which lead me to think about how many people buy new cars all the time. That made me think about how many cars are made yearly, which made me think about how there didn’t used to be cars at all. Just me? Alright.

Just Me

  • Speaking of cars, I’m pretty sure mechanics just try and take advantage of the fact that women don’t know anything about cars. Unfortunately for them I’m too cheap to buy into their bullshit, both figuratively and literally.

Nice Try

  • As I was waiting for the guys to finish working on my car, I heard and ad for a mattress sale being extended to the end of May. My question: are mattresses ever not on sale?

Just Sayin

Random Thoughts of the Week: May 17th-23rd

  • I saw a giant banana being driven down the highway.

Grumpy Cat Huh?

  • The moment of complete and utter panic when you can’t find/think you’ve lost something.


  • This asshole went the wrong way in the Walmart parking lot and I had to move so he could get by, even though he was the one going the wrong way!

Robot Hand Bird

  • I yawned while I was at work and this child asked, “long day so far?” It was like talking to a 40 year old in an 8 year old’s body. Mature children always catch me off guard.

You Have To Stop

  • Life advice: If you’re the kind of person who thinks you should be done learning when you’re finished with school then you should reevaluate that decision. Do yourself a favor:

Read Honey

  • More life advice: stop taking pictures of yourself! It’s only acceptable if there is an animal or another person in the picture with you. You look stupid!


  • What’s the point of a slug? Do they add anything to this planet, and what do they do during the day? This is a legitimate question so if you know the answer, tell me.

I Don't Get It At All

  • I got told I had skinny ankles.

Oh Stop It

  • Fog gives me the heebie-jeebies. Seriously, nothing good ever happens in fog.


Random Thoughts of the Week: May 10th-16th

  • I saw a guy wearing a hat that said, “fuck me it’s my birthday!” I’ve got a better idea

Fuck Yourself

  • The number of times Leo said old sport in The Great Gatsby…

Eye Roll, Head Back

  • I have a problem of usually being too early to everything, so I have to just sit around waiting for the appropriate time to leave.

Twiddle Thumbs

  • I don’t know if this has ever happened to any of you, but one time I was getting gas and some little shit of a kid pushed the emergency shut off switch. He fucking shut off all of the pumps!

Come On

  • A guy was parked next to me and his bass was so fucking intense you could hear all ofthe plastic of his car rattling.

So Fucking Classy

  • I’m not really sure why people aren’t honest with their friends, like telling them “you look ridiculous in that.” Everybody says, “well I don’t want to hurt their feelings.” Listen, it’s better if you hurt their feelings instead of someone else doing it because they’re laughing at how stupid your friends look. Trust me, I do a lot of people-watching and a lot of laughing at what people are walking out of the house in…their friends need to say something.

You Look Ridiculous

  • There was construction on my drive to Arkansas and they closed the left lane so everyone was merging, and then there were those assholes who decided to just drive all the way up and then merge…like all of us in the back  weren’t trying to get to the same place! Anyway, the semi behind me was tired of their shit so he started driving in the middle of the two lanes so no one else could pass. That’s what I’m talking about!

Pound It

  • I passed a billboard advertising the people from the shows swamp people and gator boys being at some casino. I’m not real sure how anyone is going to know what they’re saying, they have to use subtitles on those shows. All those people are gonna be super confused.

Lucy Confused

  • I saw a girl filling an empty hawaiian punch jug full of gas, that’s certainly one way to do it.

Head Tilt

  • A woman in the booth across from me at a restaurant ordered a “water on the rocks.”

Shifting Eyes

Random Thoughts of the Week: May 2nd-9th

  • I don’t care who you are, if you walk through a cobweb you’re going to look like an idiot trying to get that shit off.

Cobweb Freakout

  • What the fuck is up with the word arctic? Can we not with that extra C?


  • I don’t care if you’re running late, that’s no excuse to be an asshole. I didn’t make you late, you did that on your own so don’t take it out on other people.

Don't Be A Bitch

  • When it’s called for, I can’t even be confrontational while driving. For instance, some jackass pulled out in front of me and I came really close to slamming into him, and I couldn’t even manage a honk. I just yell in my head and glare at them.

I'm a Coward

  • Have you guys seen the poptart commercial where the poptarts, that are talking/supposedly living things, are put into the toaster? So essentially it’s a commercial about killing poptarts by burning them alive!

Unicorn 2

  • I had to listen to 2 women cackling for like 5 minutes, and of course I couldn’t leave because I was helping a woman about 2 feet away from them. I felt like my ears were about to start bleeding if I had to listen to it any longer than I did.

Make It Stop

  • A woman was complaining about waiting in the cold for Iron Man. She legit yelled, “I don’t even have a coat!” Ma’am you’re over 40 years old and you can’t make the decision to bring a coat with you after you’ve stepped outside and realized that it’s fucking cold? I’m not your mother nor is this the hunger games where we can control the weather. So take your fucking attitude and wait in the cold!

The Bird

  • If you’ve ever thought about how much you hate having to hear terrible music because someone is listening to it with their windows down, just be glad you didn’t have my experience; this guy had speakers in the fucking grill of his car. Why?

I Mean, What The Fuck

  • I had to lift heavy shift for 5 hours straight at work, and when I physically exert myself I turn into a fucking tomato…seriously, my whole body turns bright red. I shit you not, every single person who saw me said, “wow, you’re red! Are you ok?” Yeah, no shit! I can see my arms and I’ve been present for my 22 years of life, so I know what’s happening; I don’t need you to point it out.

Kindly Fuck Off

  • A lady told me she liked my name, and I thanked her, but I mean my mom named me; I didn’t really have a say in that decision. So, if you’re reading this mom, good choice on the name.

High Five

  • A woman dropped a handful of pennies on my counter and counted them out to partially pay her total saying, “I really want to get rid of these pennies.”


  • I saw a thing on Pinterest that said, “Summer: Hair gets lighter. Skin gets darker. Water gets warmer. Drinks get colder. Music gets louder. Nights get longer. Life gets better.” The only thing summer means for me is driving with my windows down and getting a sunburn on only my left arm.

Fist Pump

Random Thoughts of the Week: April 26th-May 2nd

  • I don’t like when people talk loudly in public, like could you not? I especially don’t like when the person talking loudly is with me. Please stop, you’re attracting attention to us.


  • A guy asked me if his wolf shirt was doing anything for me. It was literally just a t-shirt with a giant snarling wolf on the front.

You Look Ridiculous

  • We accidentally ended up at an 80’s rock cover band concert, and while they were really good, shit got a little weird in the middle of their set. The lead singer started putting blow pops in his waistband and then proceeded to have women say into the mic what they wanted him to do with the blow pop (which was obviously referencing a penis). Once they said whatever nastiness they wanted, he would put the blow pop in their mouths. If that’s what they were willing to do for a blow pop, I don’t even want to know what they’d do for a Klondike bar.

You Nasty

  • While a guy was dancing with one of the girls we were out with, he called his friend’s name and then pointed to one of our other friends, as if to say, “hey I got this one, you get that one.”

No and Headshake

  • We walked by a guy on the street and he looked at me and said, “hey! You look like my friend!” I said, “cool, but I’m not” and kept on walking.

I'm An Asshole

  • When I was younger I used to think that windshield wipers would  wipe because it knew there was too much water on the windshield….

Giggle Shrug

  • A kid walked up to me and a coworker and just looked back and forth between the two of us while sipping on his straw.

Do The Creep

  • I got stuck behind a woman driving the way I would assume a 12 year old would drive, and of course I had to stay in that lane or else I’d miss my turn.


  • A couple asked me what Place Beyond the Pines was about and I said, “Ryan Gosling starts robbing banks..” and the guy cut me off saying, “don’t say Ryan Gosling just because she’s a woman.” Oh, alright. How about you tell him to stop starring in movies, that way I won’t have to tell you he’s one of the main fucking characters! Since that’s not a possibility, how about we go with option 1 and you

Shut The Fuck Up.

  • We had a dude go off on all of us at work one day. He was mad because my manager and supervisors were standing at the computer doing their job, but he thought they were just standing around doing nothing. He was yelling about how only me and another guy were doing any work. Sorry man, but there was literally only you and 4 other people in the lobby; one guy was with you and the 3 others were together, which means there were really only 2 people to help and the woman in front of you was already being helped! So what kind of work did you want everyone to do?

Oh, Fuck Off

  • I really enjoy when I tell someone their total and they ask, “really? For this and this?” No, I charged you for a bunch of shit you didn’t ask for.


Random Thoughts of the Week: April 19th-25th

  • When the aluminum foil roll falls out of the box:


  • A girl came into my work for an interview and she brought a résumé with her, which was really just a list of a bunch of acting gigs she’s done. Also, under training she had a list of the acting coaches she’s had.


  • As serious and tragic as the events in Boston were, can we talk about how terrible the news coverage was? I mainly watched CNN and those idiots kept cutting away to “reporters” whose only breaking news was, “there are cops driving by at a high rate of speed with their lights on; something’s happening, Wolf!”

Stephen Colbert Boston1Stephen Colbert Boston 2Stephen Colbert Boston 3

  • One of my coworkers told another coworker of mine that I had this blog, and now all this girl does is ask if something she does is gonna be in the blog. I mean, it more than likely will because this girl is some kind of special (not in a good way), but still


  • I told someone “bless you” when they sneezed and then I had the thought that it’s weird that we all have different sneezes. Obviously, I’ve realized that before, but I’ve just never really thought about it.

Confused Mark

  • My coworker, who’s 15, got hit on by a guy who looked almost 30.


  • When people fly by you on the road and then get stuck behind the car directly in front of you…yeah, you got real far asshole.


  • If you’ve ever let your child, and by child I mean anyone who can barely avoid running into things (which sadly might include some adults), push the cart at the grocery store:

Fuck You Fuck You

  • There’s a girl I work with who asks people, multiple times, to cover at least one of her shifts every week. This girl also always complains about how she doesn’t have any friends….Are you really surprised? Because…

I'm Not

  • Anyone who whines about the littlest thing like it’s the end of the world should take a long hard look at themselves, because they’re acting like a little baby  (*cough* girl I work with mentioned in the above bullet point *cough*).

Ugly Cry

Random Thoughts of the Week: April 12th-18th

  • To the people who think their problems should be your problems:

Get Over Yourself

  • There was a guy driving like a mad man around me. He was on my ass and then he turned into where I was going; I was certain he was gonna get out and try and kill me once I parked. As you can tell from reading this, that didn’t happen. It was a close one.


  • Can we talk about Harrison Ford’s eyebrows in 42? They were like pillows; if he laid face down to sleep, his eyebrows would keep his face lofted high enough so that he wouldn’t suffocate.

Harrison Ford Eyebrows

What Is Happening

  • At work, a woman wanted to change her tickets to see a different movie because there were a bunch of kids going to see the first one she chose. We have to give a reason for refunds and I so badly wanted to put, “hates children.”

Just Sayin

  • The kids who yelled, “hey Easter bunny!” at me last weekend did it again this weekend. However, now they’ve just resorted to yelling “Easter bunny!” and pointing any time they see me. These kids don’t get it,

I Am The Enemy

  • I’m always amused when some who’s super annoying complains about someone else being annoying.


  • If you work in the service/retail industry and still act like an asshole, especially while out in public…

Slow Flip Off

  • I’m always confused, although slightly amused, by the men who are so buff that they can’t put their arms down all the way to their sides. They look ridiculous!

You're Wearing That

  • I always get at least one person, but usually like 50 people, who always get extremely close to me when I’m working. You can stand a few feet away and I’ll still be able to help you, so

Back Off

  • A girl I work with is too nice for her own good. Seriously, she got suckered into going to prom with a guy she can’t stand because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings by saying no. This same guy texts her constantly and won’t leave her alone because he likes her, but she won’t tell him that they’ll only ever be just friends. She’s over there all

Mean Girls Speech

  • My friend asked me why they straightened Jesse Eisenberg’s hair in the Now You See Me movie and I’m pretty sure it’s because no one would take him seriously with his curly hair.

Jesse Eisenberg Shrug

  • That moment when you hope a woman’s shitty attitude is just because it’s that time of month, but then you realize their period can’t possibly last all month.

Bitch Crazy

  • While in line to checkout at Walmart, the woman in front of me decided that since they were out of stock of the fan she wanted she’d just take the display and try to buy it. If you’re wondering how it turned out, it didn’t.

Are You An Idiot

  • I may be 22 years old, but give me some bubble wrap and I’ll be entertained for as long as it takes to pop it all.

I'm an Adult

  • A few minutes before we closed the building at work, my coworker started to leave (she had a closing shift) saying, “I’m gonna go now.” To which I said, “uhh when did you start running this place? We don’t close until 8:15.” Then she tried explaining that by her clock it was 8:15. Slow your roll bitch, we’re closed when they lock the doors and turn off the lights. Someone took Beyonce’s Run The World (Girls) song a little too literally.

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself